For the Holidays, You Can’t Beat a Warm Home! Get Your HVAC System Ready
November 11, 2024

Winter temps are already here in New Jersey. Is your HVAC system ready to turn up the heat? Follow these tips to ensure your HVAC unit is in its best condition all winter long.
Tune-up your furnace
Although most of us have had our furnaces on since October, a tune-up ensures that everything is operating correctly and primes your furnace for the next few months of cold, winter temperatures.
Check your thermostat
Heating your home doesn’t have to hike up your bill. To save money this winter, set your thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you are home, then lower the temperature by a few degrees at night or during the day when you are out. This can reduce your heating bill each month by up to 10 percent. However, don’t lower it much more than that because it will take too long and require more energy to heat back up in our cold-weather, winter climate.
Change your filter
One of the most common causes of a broken-down HVAC system is accumulated dirt and dust in the air filter. For this reason, it’s essential to check your air filter every month. If you see an issue with the filter, it’s best to replace it within 90 days. This will help prevent your HVAC unit from becoming clogged, thus extending the life of your system.
Make sure insulation is adequate
A well-insulated home is an efficient home. Ducts improperly insulated can result in heat loss, causing your HVAC unit to work harder to maintain its set temperature and costing you more money in the long run. Hire a local HVAC technician to inspect your home for decaying insulation. They can then replace what is necessary.
Schedule regular maintenance
No one wants to get stuck in the cold waiting for a heating repair, so don’t wait until it happens. We recommend having HVAC maintenance performed twice a year, and getting on a prescheduled 6-month rotation means you will have less to worry about and remember. Leave that to us!
Make sure your family’s indoor comfort is at the top of your gift list. If you live in Monmouth or Ocean County, let Air Experts help ease your mind. Call us at (732) 759-0934 or contact us online to schedule a service appointment today!