Tips for Staying Cool — Both Indoors & Out
November 11, 2024

When a summer heat wave hits, there are plenty of things that can go wrong. From power outages and heat-related illnesses to dehydration and the need for emergency AC repair, the fallout can be plentiful. Trust us, we’re homeowners too, and we’ve been there. And we know it’s never fun when your power goes out during a party, or you need to call for AC repair services after a summer storm. But don’t sweat it! (Sorry we couldn’t resist that.) Air Experts is always here to help you find chilled relief during those dog days of summer. To prevent the negative effects of extreme hot weather, our team is offering some positively chill ways you can remain cool, calm, and totally collected—all summer long.
Stay Cool with These Chill Tips
OK, so the heat has taken its toll, and you’re anxiously awaiting fall weather. We understand how you feel! But summer isn’t going anywhere just yet. To keep a cool head, here are some refreshing ways to chill out until the seasons change.
Stay Cool Indoors
When temperatures hit the 90s, most of us retreat indoors for relief. But even air conditioning can be affected during a heat wave. Try these extra tricks on those sweltering days.
- Keep blinds closed during the day.
- Be sure windows are sealed and locked.
- Turn ceiling fans counterclockwise to push cool air downward.
- Drink cool liquids rather than hot beverages.
- Replace air filters so system is working at top efficiency.
- Reduce oven use (grill outside instead).
- Retreat to lower levels of the home where it may be cooler.
- Purchase UV blocking shades to keep out sun and heat.
Stay Cool Outdoors
Even with high temperatures, there are going to be days when stepping outside is inevitable. Whether you need to mow the lawn or simply head to the grocery store—some outdoor time will be necessary. When you head out, remember these tips.
- Wear loose, light clothing.
- Always hydrate. Take a water bottle with you.
- Find shade when you can.
- If you must exercise outside, do it before the sun comes up or after it sets.
- Cool down with a cold towel or an ice pack.
- Always schedule HVAC maintenance prior to summer (it’s your best bet for helping avoid premature air conditioner replacement).
Stay Cool Sleeping
Sleeping during the summer months can be uncomfortable for many homeowners. Try these tips to keep your cool during the nighttime hours.
- Lower the AC a few degrees at bedtime.
- Use thin, light, breathable sheets.
- Add a fan to your bedroom.
- Try a cooling pillow.
- Sleep downstairs where it’s typically cooler (remember, heat rises).
- Stay hydrated.
- Take a cool to lukewarm shower before bed.
- Turn off electronics.
- Wear loose clothing to sleep in.
- Keep bedroom blinds closed all day so it’s cooler at nighttime.
Stay Cool. Period.
If you want to “stay cool” in general, give the pros at Air Experts a call when you need AC repair services, air conditioning replacement, and even emergency AC repair. Our techs are ready seven days a week to ensure your comfort during these dog days of summer!