Giving Thanks: Celebrating the Comforts of Home
November 11, 2024

Say hello to Thanksgiving month! Did you know that November has been nicknamed National Gratitude Month? It’s a time to sit back and take inventory of the many good things we’re grateful for in our lives. Practicing gratitude daily is a wonderful way to concentrate on the positives in our lives—plus, a positive outlook lends itself to a happier mindset. As a homeowner, we know you have many things to be thankful for—from safety and home comfort to simply appreciating a roof over your head. Our team is grateful, too.
Give Thanks for Home Comfort
In clever HVAC style, here are some reminders as to why we GIVE THANKS this month. G stands for Great service. Air Experts is available seven days a week and offers great HVAC service. Home comfort systems are expensive, so it’s economical to protect your investment by scheduling seasonal checkups with our licensed technicians. This is the best way to save money over time. Call now for your regular heater tune-up and help avoid premature furnace replacement that often results from neglecting your system. You can trust our team to provide excellent service and keep you cozy all season! I is for Indoor air quality Did you know that most people spend nearly 90 percent of their time indoors? It’s true. The Environmental Protection Agency has reported that indoor air carries two to five times higher levels of pollutants than outdoor air. So, investing in good indoor air quality is critical. We also recommend restraining from smoking indoors and avoiding using cleaners that contain too many VOCs. V is for Ventilation Did you know that the V in HVAC stands for ventilation? Without proper ventilation, indoor air would not move or ventilate through your home, and you would have plenty of stagnant air. We are grateful for this movement! E is for Electrician We never appreciate our electricity more than when it goes out. Electricity in our homes has spoiled us. We are grateful for flowing electricity and the electronics that help keep us charged. T is for Thermostats Today’s thermostats are more intelligent than ever. They learn our home patterns and can adjust temperatures for when we are home, away, or even sleeping. Plus, they can be easily controlled from an app on our phones. H is for Heating As the chillier weather sets in, we are grateful for our homes' heat. As your home service provider, Air Experts is thankful you let us into your homes for regular HVAC service, heater repair, and furnace replacements. Don’t forget that now is the best time to schedule your regular heater tune-ups and protect your home comfort investment all season. A is for Allergen fighters Got allergies? An indoor air quality system with decent filters works hard to fight allergens and pollutants that enter our homes. A proper IAQ system can help filter out allergens and unhealthy pollutants. It is also helpful in balancing humidity levels and may help reduce allergies and respiratory issues! N is for New systems When your home comfort system reaches 10 years old, it could be time for a replacement. Signs such as uneven airflow, inconsistent energy bills, frequent repair calls, and strange noises all point to the need for a new system. With Air Experts as your HVAC partner, we can evaluate your current system and recommend the best action. If you need a replacement, we are here for you and offer home maintenance plans to help protect your investment. K is for Kind customers This is an easy one! We are always grateful for you—our loyal, kind customers. Thanks to your trust, we can keep growing and provide you with the best home comfort services and offers. S is for all Seasons We love every season here in New Jersey, mainly because the change in seasons allows us to service your home and keep you comfortable all year round. Air Experts is grateful for your business during National Gratitude Month—and all year, from air conditioning checkups during the warmer months to heater tune-ups each fall.